Booking information
A Blue Moon Quotation is our offer to extend products and services to you as specified and priced, and upon your Acceptance (written or verbal), becomes our Event Plan, whereupon we will begin making preparations as needed to execute the Event Plan. An advance deposit is required upon Acceptance, and these are non-refundable ($500 for weddings and high school reunions; $250 for all other events).
It is your responsibility to review the Quotation for accuracy, and to contact BMC if it does not reflect your wishes. You can make changes, including cancellation, at any time up until ten days in advance of the event date, but at that time (“Contract Date”), we will consider the Event Plan to be final, and a formal contract. A final Guest Count is required at this time. In the absence of communication from the Client on the Contract Date, we will assume the most recent Event Plan is the final Event Plan, including Guest Count.
If you wish to make changes to the Event Plan after the Contract Date, we will do whatever is practical, but may not always be able to make the changes you want. It is not uncommon to increase the Guest Count after the Contract Date, and we are typically able to accommodate these requests.
It is common for us to be in discussions with multiple parties regarding multiple events on a given date, which may include Quotations having been delivered. These discussions and Quotations do not imply a guarantee of our availability. We often have dates that suddenly become “full” without notice once we’ve booked the number of events that max out our capacity. The only way to guarantee our availability is to make a non-refundable deposit ($500 for weddings and high school reunions; $250 for all other events). The deposit funds will be credited to the final billing on pre-tax amounts in excess of $1000, or 50% of the original quote amount (whichever is greater), and cannot be transferred to other events or dates.
PAYMENT instructions
Our final quotation becomes your invoice. Payment is due seven days prior to the event (on some events, bar and other charges are not known until after the event. In this case, these charges are not due until the first business day following the event). Blue Moon Caterers prefers Checks, but accepts Cash and all major Credit Cards. Credit card payments are subject to a 3% Service Fee. We can accept credit card payments over the phone, or off-site, but require the CVV code, billing street number and zip code. For mailed payments, our remittance address is 8406 W Central, Wichita. KS 67212.
Unlike most caterers, the prices we quote have no mandated gratuities, service charges, “catering charges”, or any other unlisted costs or multipliers. Tipping of staff is at the client’s discretion. We typically put out a tip jar at bars we tend, and these monies are shared among the bartenders that work your event.
All policies are subject to change without notice.
Blue Moon Caterers Sales and Administrative Office: 316.612.4694 | 524 South Seneca Street, Wichita KS 67213
www.bluemooncaterers.com | events@bluemooncaterers.com